AngularJS Vs Angular JS

The AngularJS framework is a JavaScript-based framework for creating single-page web applications. This open-source framework was originally developed by Google, and now is maintained by a community of individuals and corporations. However, there have been many changes since it was first released. This article will go over some of the changes that made this framework…… Continue reading AngularJS Vs Angular JS

What Is AngularJS?

Angular is a framework that supports the rapid development of cross-platform web applications. The framework is composed of a number of components, each with a unique HTML template, Typescript class, and CSS selector. It also supports native mobile development and helps create Progressive Web Apps (PWAs). It supports two-way data binding, which allows dynamic behavior…… Continue reading What Is AngularJS?

What You Should Know About Angular Programming

If you are working with Angular, you should learn more about its architecture. While this framework is based on MVC, you will find that Angular has a much more simplified version. It also simplifies directives, such as getters and setters. Angular organizes code into buckets or modules to manage application functionality. You can use Angular’s…… Continue reading What You Should Know About Angular Programming